These last few weeks have been quite the ride. Lent seemed to show up quicker than it ever has. CYC came and went in the blink of an eye. And now, COVID-19. Rather than comment solely on the fragile future of upcoming church events, or on the continual changes in our world that the Coronavirus is causing, I'd like provide you a break from the current delicate situation and mention a few recent highlights of NCYM.
Laser tag was a blast! About 70 young people in Spokane spent hours dueling in the treacherous battlefield that is LaserQuest. I hit a wall halfway through the night, but our students stayed strong and fought the good fight as 1 Timothy 6:12 exhorts.
Several NCYM students served lunch at the House of Charity on February 15th. Our fearless leader, Bill McMillan, gave us a tour of the facility afterwards and highlighted some of the important work Catholic Charities does for its neighbors. Thank you Bill and thank you to our students who lived out the gospel in a special way that day!
For anyone who attends St. Thomas More Parish (or even if you attend another parish), please consider representing NCYM by helping serve Coffee & Donuts on March 22nd at St. Thomas More. We only have 2 volunteers so far to cover the 3 masses. Use this link to sign up. Thank you!
Middle School:
Our Middle School program has been growing closer to Christ through our "Final Mile" series. We will celebrate the end of the series with a social night on March 17th. The following week will entail the first night of a three week Lenten series.
Next Friday, March 20th, we will hold the first NCYM Adoration Retreat at St. Charles!! Beginning at 6:00 PM, our middle school youth will have the chance to lead Stations of the Cross for the entire parish. At 7:00 PM we will join the parish for Soup Supper. Then from 8:00 PM to 12:00 AM youth will have the opportunity to spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in 30 minute increments (or longer if they so choose). While individuals are in the church for Adoration, the rest of the group will be led in fun activities and games in the gym. Register online with this link OR turn in the paper form which was handed out last week (and will be handed out again this Tuesday). If your middle school student is attending and helping lead Stations of the Cross, please have them to the gym by 5:45 PM.
High School:
I've heard from multiple sources that this year's CYC (Catholic Youth Conference) was the best yet. Foundnation rocked the stage and brought the house down both Friday and Saturday night. John Paul Von Arx and some of our amazing local Spokane musicians led worship beautifully all weekend. Some of our very own seniors (as well as Othello's leadership team) put on an incredible drama on Saturday night. Check it out here! We believe next year will be even better, don't miss out!
For regular Tuesday night programming, we are soon concluding a 4 week series titled, "Immaculata: A Series on Mary." Our focus on Mary has been beautiful especially because our extremely talented high school volunteer, Xanthe Craft, has been leading the students each week in chanting an Our Father, 3 Hail Marys, and a Glory Be. Thank you for your gift Xanthe!
I am so thankful for all those who currently volunteer with NCYM or have volunteered in the past. They are truly the life of this program, I just get to put my name at the bottom of these newsletters.
Lastly, please keep in prayer all who are impacted by COVID-19. If our Diocese does go into a similar situation as the Diocese of Seattle, we will most likely be cancelling youth group events. Please stay tuned via Flocknote for those possible updates. Follow this link to find directions on how to sign up for Flocknote if you haven't already.
JJ Nazzaro | Youth Ministry Coordinator